Person and Culture in Leonardo Polo’s Anthropology


  • John Branya Strathmore University (Kenya)


culture, person, cohesion, development, freedom, progress, morality


For Leonardo Polo culture is an exclusive activity of human beings. It is all encompassing in the life of individuals and a need for society’s cohesion and development. Culture has an individual and a social aspect. Leonardo Polo’s transcendental anthropology gives an anthropological foundation to culture. His anthropological positioning on culture makes it possible to link all aspects of culture to the person and his/her development. Polo’s approach to culture preserves the individual freedom of those within any particular culture and explains its continuous and unlimited progress. It also links culture with morality and explains how morality is inseparable from culture.



How to Cite

Branya, J. (2015). Person and Culture in Leonardo Polo’s Anthropology. Journal of Polian Studies, 2, 61–74. Retrieved from