About the Journal

The Journal of Polian Studies focuses on and is inspired by Leonardo Polo’s profound, wide-ranging and original philosophical proposals. Our principal aim is to publish articles that are models of interdisciplinary work and scientific accuracy, thus allowing readers to keep abreast of the central issues and problems of contemporary philosophy.


These statement is inspired by the COPE’s 2008 Code of Conduct (http://publicationethics.org).


The editorial board should strive to treat all authors equally, to complete the editorial process in compliance with the ethical guidelines contained in this statement.

Decisions to publish
The magazine publisher is responsible to deciding which articles submitted to the journal must be published once the process of double-blind evaluation. Because of the requirement of originality for articles submitted to the Journal of Polian Studies, the editor makes an initial assessment to confirm that it is an original publication, that has not been published previously and that the text doesn't contain plagiarism, using for example different software available for free:

In case of detecting plagiarism, the journal follows the guidelines of Cope (http://publicationethics.org/files/All_Flowcharts_Spanish_0.pdf) to contact the authors.

Fair Play
An editor will be able to evaluate manuscripts at any time solely regarding the intellectual content, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy of the authors.

The editor and all editorial board must not disclose any information about any manuscript submitted to the journal for review. The only ones that will be able to exchange information are the author, reviewers, scientific advisers and members of the editorial board, as appropriate.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
The unpublished material submitted to the journal by the author through manuscript should not be used in investigations of the editor without the express consent of the author. Authors must declare potential conflicts of interest with the sponsorship of research, informed consents, or possible commercial interest of the information presented. The evaluators identify conflicts that may arise by competing interests, and the fact of not having enough knowledge of the subject of the investigation or having been a close collaborator of the author evaluated.


Contribution to Editorial Decisions
The evaluator will help the editor to perform any editorial decisions and through the editorial communications with the author may assist the author in improving the content of your article.

Any referee who feels unqualified to review any article or is aware that he will be unable to comply with the urgency required to issue his opinion, will justify his exclusion from the review process by notifying the editor as soon as possible.

Any manuscript received for review will be treated with confidentiality.

Objectivity standards
The reviews will be carried out objectively, following the guidance in the evaluation protocol. Referees should express their points of view with arguments to support their assessments and recommendation of publication. Referees will not express personal judgments.

Sources Recognition
Evaluators should know relevant papers published that have not been cited by the authors. Any statement of an observation, derivation, or argument which had been previously used should be stated with appropriate citation. An evaluator should also alert the editor if he opines that there could be any similarity or overlap between the manuscript under review and other previously published works.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
The evaluator must keep confidential any privileged information or ideas obtained through a manuscript on arbitration process, not being able to use in any way such information for personal gain. Evaluators should not arbitrate manuscripts that could have conflict of interest with their own work.


The authors of original research papers should present a detailed description of the work performed, and an objective exhibition of its meaning. The underlying data should be represented accurately in the article. A paper should contain sufficient details and references and citations to allow others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical and unacceptable behavior. By submitting his work, the author also must sign the declaration of originality and conflicts of interest.

Information access and retention
Authors are asked to provide information in connection with the article under review, which should be publicly accessible if possible, and should in any case be prepared to provide the information in a reasonable time period after its publication.

Originality and Plagiarism
Authors should ensure that they have written a completely original work, and if they have used work of others, they must be appropriately cited.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent publishing
An author should not generally publish in more than one journal or publication manuscripts describing essentially the same issue and argument. The presentation of the same manuscript to more than one journal constitutes unethical behavior and it is unacceptable from an editorial point of view.

Authorship should be limited to those who have carried out a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution or interpretation of the development of the work presented. All those who made ​​significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain specific aspects of the project, they should be acknowledged or listed as collaborators. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors and collaborators have been appropriately included and listed in the draft, and they all have approved the final version of it and agree to submit for publication.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
All authors should disclose in their manuscript any conflict of interest that could be significant in the interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project must be clearly stated.

Errors in published works
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the publication of his own work, he should urgently notify with the editor of the journal or its the advisors and help them to correct it or, if necessary, to withdraw his publication.