Transcendental Anthropology and the Foundation of Human Dignity


  • Blanca Castilla de Cortázar Real Academia de Doctores (Spain)


human dignity, transcendental anthropology, uniqueness, freedom, foundation


Most of the thinkers of the twentieth century demand, more or less explicitly, a peculiar ontology for anthropology, distinguishing between the cosmos and mankind, between things and people, in order to achieve a vision of the unity of man and to substantiate their inalienable rights, universally recognized by the UN in 1948. Polo's transcendental anthropology, with its ontological expansion and its recognition of the uniqueness of the human person, is not only intrinsically free and intelligent, but also capable of giving an adequate scenario to ground human dignity in the foundations of being.



How to Cite

Castilla de Cortázar, B. (2014). Transcendental Anthropology and the Foundation of Human Dignity. Journal of Polian Studies, 1, 105–119. Retrieved from